Monday 5 July 2021


“Whoever has savoured a drop of God can find no rest until it does not sink into the ocean of this great and eternal reality.”

Every religious message, however pure, spiritual and divine once cast into the midst of men and entrusted to profane hands run the risk of being suffocated under the excess of human elements that, over the centuries, fatally accumulates around its divine core, contaminating it. Thus, religion ends up being the victim of material hypertrophy and spiritual atrophy, making the fate of divine sparks when they fall from heaven on Earth to be dull, sad, and distorted.

Preserving the tree of divine revelations from the parasites of human formalities are the brilliant and necessary task of the great religious geniuses who feel called to fulfil a spiritual mission. The brave attempt of the true spiritual reformers of the world is to free the religion contaminated by these parasites.

Jesus was the greatest religious restorer of humankind, the most daring spiritual revolutionary. He fearlessly confronted the powerful pontiffs of the official and classical religion of that time and exposed them to the deceived people as “whitewashed tombs”. He unmercifully plucked the rotten roots with which forty centuries of Jewish ritualism had contaminated the tree of revelation that God had planted at the foot of the cradle of humanity. For this “crime”, he was declared “the one who insults the law” by the supreme head of religion and had to walk to the Calvary, where he expired between two evildoers, as the greatest of them. And in fact, before the eyes of the defenders of religious formalities of that time, proclaimed as the only religion divinely revealed, infallible and saving, Jesus could not fail to be the greatest unbeliever and atheist, whereas, before God and the true spiritualists, he was and is the most religious man in the world.

It is often that the great defenders of the purity of divine revelation are misunderstood by their contemporaries, who try to renew this disbelief by demolishing their idols and returning to the primitive simplicity of religion.

In fact, not all religious men reach the soul of religion and the friends of the pre-existing formulas will hardly comprehend what it is to “worship God in spirit and truth” because passing through from the periphery to the centre is not a task for all.

That is why the message of Jesus cannot be a slave to ritualism but to make this message a world religion designed to teach humanity to the worship of God in spirit and truth and not to end it in a pious sect, a devoutly religious organization, with its regulations, constitution, its particular habit, its ascetic exercises tailored to a group of mystical souls segregated from society.

No! The Gospel of Jesus cannot degenerate into any nationalist, theocratic religion with its jealous, vengeful god, with its prescriptions and prohibitions, rituals and dogmas, with its sacrifices, with the asphyxiating overload of its empty religious pomp of spirit and truth, like the narrow and petty morals of its ministers. No! The divine sparks that Jesus spread through the regions of Palestine were destined to evolve into an international world religion which would bring together not only a race or a handful of devout souls but all spirits thirsting for truth, all sincere characters, all desiring men of spirituality through faith in God and in immortality, the materialism of the present life. For every man of goodwill, the Gospel of Jesus must be the guiding beacon and encouraging energy in the long and uncertain crossing of earthly life.


In Matthew 23:27, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful from the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”

The term was a figure of speech used by Jesus when addressing the Pharisees, meaning a painted white tomb. Lime was used at the time as a dye, an ink. Still, the real meaning is how the Pharisees presented themselves in the temple, adorned with luxurious robes as supposed and righteous doctors of the Law; however, they were real walking corpses, empty of moral and ethical content, hypocritical and full of iniquities from within.

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