Saturday 3 July 2021


An inwardly good man, long before uttering a word, has already acted healthily on his fellow men. On the other hand, a man who hides disharmony, impurity, insincerity, a spirit of interest or ambition in the depths of his being will always exercise an action that corrupts and contaminates others, even if he does not make explicit propaganda about his ideas, for the worst contagion, is the intimate corruption of his personality. And no matter how much such man speaks of the beauty, virtue and the greatness of Creation - all his zeal will leave listeners indifferent and cold if it does not hurt and offend them.

It does not matter which kind of vocation, title or social position this man has; what matters is that he reveals his soul, and this is possible even in the most unfavourable conditions. The greatness of man and his power is independent of matter, time and space. Wherever lives, prays, suffers and dies a good man of correct attitudes, intimately pure and holy, there is a divine focus, a centre of spiritual energies and vibrating waves radiate from the Earth at times so subtle and difficult to measure and define, but they do exist, and if these men were many, perhaps these psychic emanations would take on a more concrete and tangible form, spreading an aura of peace, grandeur and harmony throughout the Earth's atmosphere.

Every man, when not properly spiritualized, lives in the strange illusion that his influence on others comes from his words or actions, for he thinks it is his knowledge, his skills, his eloquence that leads the souls from error to truth, from the darkness of evil to the light of virtue. And it is challenging to remove him from this illusion. It is the last and most arduous chapter of psychology, pedagogy, and spiritual life to convince us intimately and deeply that it is not our knowledge or power that makes men better, but only our Being. What influences others, what touches them, shakes them, drags them, illuminates, converts them, sanctifies them, is ultimately our holy and pure personality, not our ardent and blustery activity.

Wherever, in the vastness of the Earth, may exist a powerful focus of character and qualities of its own, there is a saving centre of the human race. And even though this powerhouse of spiritual energies is suffering in an anonymous bed of a hospital, or reclusive behind the dark grids of a cloister, or lost in the solitude of the Amazon rainforest, in the deserts of Africa, or the glaciers of Alaska, it matters little! This focus acts powerfully on humanity. It just needs to exist and have the potential.

If a man can act at great distances by short or long waves of electronic equipment - who would dare to deny the existence of psychic radiations emitted by certain souls endowed with a very high spiritual potential and gifted with a powerful personality? Are physical waves more powerful than psychic waves? Is matter superior to the spirit? Would our scientific knowledge have a wider range of action than our moral will?

The illiterate and the beginner of the spiritual life tends to give too much importance to its external activities and its ephemeral acts, while the initiate and master in the disciplines of the spirit concentrate all its attention on the inner and immanent element of its Self.

Any individual is allowed to do something - to be someone is the privilege of the personality.

Hence this calm and imperturbable serenity of the truly spiritual man. He is not in a hurry; he does not rush, precipitates, he does not become impatient or nervous; although in full pilgrimage to the highest is always at the end of the journey; he knows that his value and influence are independent of time and space.

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